Shane Paul Neil

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Dog Walk Philosophy: The World Is On Fire. Now What?

I walk my dog every morning. Most mornings we walk pretty much the same route. So I decided to give myself a challenge. Find something unique along the path I tread daily and take a photo. Somedays there will be something genuinely new. Others I will have to find a way to shoot the mundane with a new perspective.

Regardless of why you think the world is on fire, the world is, in fact, on fire. Environmental, economic, and social issues are piling on themselves at alarming rates. It is easy to think that your creative endeavors are in insignificant in the midst of this chaos. Nothing could be further from the truth.

It is when society appears to be on the brink that art becomes of paramount importance. The world needs to be educated by your documentary. The world needs the laughter of your comedy. The world needs the unifying anthem your song provides. Future generations will need the context of your book.

Culture changes the world. Get to work.

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