Shane Paul Neil Shane Paul Neil

What Was Your Flex Today?

I decided that I wanted to try and liven up my Twitter feed. I asked a straightforward question. “What was your flex today?” I wanted to hear all the amazing things my small but active following had been doing in the midst of what felt like anarchy (this was before 2020 completely showed its ass).

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Shane Paul Neil Shane Paul Neil

Dog Walk Philosophy: Collecting Work

I have spent a lot of time chasing the quick dopamine hit of a viral moment. I’ve had a lot of small viral moments and one or two big ones. The one thing I can tell you is that they are sugar highs. Quick spikes with prolonged lows. Chasing virality doesn’t lead to growth. At least not for me.

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Shane Paul Neil Shane Paul Neil

The Productivity Lie Is Killing Your Creativity

We are taught that this time in our heads is procrastination. Imagination is not work shown, so how do we quantify its value? Without that quantifying, how do we determine the value of your work? How do we determine your value as a person without knowing the value of that work?

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Shane Paul Neil Shane Paul Neil

Dog Walk Philosophy: The Clutter Of Procrastination

I am the worst combination of two things. I’m a procrastinator and a maximalist. I can have a hard time getting going on tasks and projects. Worse still, I tend to accumulate stuff along the path to productivity. I keep trying to build the perfect environment for productivity and creativity. Until a couple of weeks ago I had a third screen installed on my computer. One for writing, one for media, and one for social media and reading. It was pretty dope. It was also completely ineffective.

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Shane Paul Neil Shane Paul Neil

Why You Should Purge Your Dead Drafts

The first time I deleted my drafts, it felt like a gut punch. I loved those drafts. I loved the words within those drafts. They were lyrical. They touched my soul. They were my darlings. But, in writing, your darlings are really just dead weight. We drag them from project to project. We sift through them as a means of self-congratulation and self-flagellation. “I love what I wrote” collides with “I hate that I didn’t write anything.”

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Shane Paul Neil Shane Paul Neil

Dog Walk Philosophy: The Democracy Of Dogs

I walk my dog every morning. Most mornings we walk pretty much the same route. So I decided to give myself a challenge. Find something unique along the path I tread daily and take a photo. Somedays there will be something genuinely new. Others I will have to find a way to shoot the mundane with a new perspective.

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Shane Paul Neil Shane Paul Neil

Film Is Dumb

In 2023 there is virtually no reason to shoot film. It’s expensive. It’s inconvenient. The process is slowwwww (especially if you don’t develop yourself). People who shoot film love the word artisanal and beanies.

So why do I want to master it?

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Shane Paul Neil Shane Paul Neil

Dog Walk Philosophy: The Eggleston Of It All.

I walk my dog every morning. Most mornings we walk pretty much the same route. So I decided to give myself a challenge. Find something unique along the path I tread daily and take a photo. Somedays there will be something genuinely new. Others I will have to find a way to shoot the mundane with a new perspective.

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